Post office closures in Torbay yet another blow to the elderly and disadvantaged.
The announcement that post offices were to be closed in Blatchcombe and Brixham was attacked today as yet another blow for the elderly and disadvantaged by Totnes Liberal Democrat Spokesperson, Mike Treleaven. Speaking after the announcement he said:
' The Post Office is hell bent on removing post offices based on a hard headed economic assessment without thought for the people who rely on their services, or proper investigation of alternatives. Many people living in these areas depend on their local post office for all sorts of services and payments - it makes life so much more difficult for the elderly and those without transport to travel to pick up their pension or buy a TV licence.'
He continued:
' The Government needs to look at other ways of keeping these businesses open - a bit of lateral thinking is required. Combining post office services with other businesses and encouraging the development of other banking services should be given a much higher priority. A community Post Office does more than just sell stamps and hand out pensions - it is a focal point where people meet, receive advice and contribute to the community spirit. I would urge everyone to take part in the consultation process details of which are available from the post offices concerned.'