Meet your councillors: Cllr John Birch
I am one of the South Hams District Councillors for Totnes and I chair the South Hams Overview and Scrutiny Panel.
I live in Totnes with my wife Lynne and have done so since 1999. Before that I lived in Wiltshire and served on the North Wiltshire District Council where I held the position of deputy leader of the Council. I am a consultant solicitor specialising in construction law and am employed by a large regional firm of solicitors based in Exeter.
I am also project leader for the £4 million project to restore and renovate the St Mary's Church in Totnes as well as being chair of the recently formed St Mary's Totnes Heritage Trust, whose aims include raising funds for heritage and conservation projects in Totnes.
As a district councillor representing Totnes I strive to make the town's voice and concerns heard within the council chamber and offices at South Hams District Council.
Contact John
Tel: 07974 243352