Letwin's proposals could mean another 10% rise in Council Tax
The Conservative's spending plans outlined by Shadow Chancellor Oliver Letwin this week could mean additional Council Tax rises of 10%. Amongst their uncosted plans for two tier health and education services and a reduction in money available to fight crime and improve our transport system, is a proposal to reduce spending on local government by £1.9billion. Compensating for this reduction could mean a rise of 10% in Council Tax.
Commenting on the Conservative plans Totnes Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Spokesperson, Mike Treleaven said:
'Yet again we have a senior Conservative putting forward vague plans with no substance to back them up. It is the ultimate in spin. Council Tax is the unfairest tax we have as recent demonstrations and public concern has shown. The Conservatives have no answer as to how to replace it - all they can do is propose further cuts in local government spending which will inevitably lead to higher Council Taxes. It is time we removed this dreadful tax not talk about increasing it still further'