Letter to Herald Express - BNP govenor Furzeham
Dear Editor,
The election of Tony North, a prominent BNP activist, candidate and public figure, as a governor of Furzeham Primary School raises some interesting questions.
The school is statutorily obliged to have a policy on racial equality which will have been agreed by the Governors. The BNP's well know racist views which seek to promote racial hatred and abuse in the community will undoubtedly be at considerable odds with any such policy. Mr. North should be asked to publicly endorse this equality policy and if he does not his refusal should be shouted from the roof tops.
Whilst there is no legal requirement for Mr. North to agree with the policies set by the Governors it is surely in the best interests of the school that he does so. Is he going to use his racist agenda to try and influence the admission policy of the school? We are an inclusive society and all children have the same rights regardless of race, colour or creed.
As a school governor for over 20 years I know that the best ordered Governing Bodies are non political and only promote the best interests of the pupils. Mr. North is a democratically elected Governor but must not use his position to further the abhorrent racist manifesto that the BNP endorses. If there is any sign that this is happening with staff, parents or, heaven forbid, pupils it must be stamped out immediately.
Yours sincerely,
Mike Treleaven
(Liberal Democrat Prospective Parliamentary Candidate - Totnes Constituency)
Staunton Lodge,
Embankment Road
Devon TQ7 1JZ
Tel: 01548 854542