Brixham 21 - Chairman's resignation
Dear Sir,
It is with great regret that I have learnt of the resignation from Brixham 21 of its Chairman, Dr. Tricker.
The Brixham 21 group has taken huge strides forward in finding out what the people of Brixham want of their community. A survey produced over 1300 submissions and this was followed by two public meetings and proposals for regeneration and invigoration from five working groups encompassing many of the wishes of the local population.
For many of the projects to come to fruition a multi-agency approach is required and it is essential that the Torbay Development Agency and Brixham 21 work hand in hand to achieve success. I firmly believe that the officers and councillors of Torbay Council are fully behind the aims and objectives of Brixham 21 many of which will benefit not only Brixham but the whole bay.
It would be a sad day if the Brixham 21 group, which has worked so hard to formulate and develop these proposals, were to fall by the wayside. I am glad to hear of the positive attitude of the remaining directors towards working with the TDA. It is essential that the new body should listen to the well-thought-out plans of Brixham 21, and benefit from their experience and expertise, so that such projects as the northern arm and the regeneration of the harbour area and the town centre with its car-park can move ahead as quickly as possible.
Yours sincerely,
Mike Treleaven